Monday, June 15, 2009


Alright, well tonight we were going to go to Calbi, but we didn't quite make it there. It was closed, so we decided it was a good idea to go to a different place. I was with Mark, his sister and her fiancée (I think.. he may have been her husband.. I don't listen well).

Well, we ended up at the place with the live octopus which I once again endulged in. It wasn't my cup of tea, but hey, it's fun!

Then we went to this other place that had beef. It was good!! They served it with this soup which was actually quite delicious despite the name - "Cow Blood Soup". It's just broth with a huge chunk of cow blood cooked and brown in the middle of it. If you cut some cow blood off of the chunk and eat it with rice, it was really tasty. Much better than the living octopus.

Anyway, I've included a picture of cow blood soup, although it's not the one we ate. It looks the same though.

Alright, I have to go to sleep and let cow blood and living octopus digest.

Wow. 6 months ago if I read this post, I would think that I've gone crazy!!


  1. Hi Ian,
    I can not believe you ate that soup. I do hope you wake to read this.
    Sounds like your enjoying your time away, good luck on the remaining few months. Won't be long now till your home.
    Enjoying your blogs.

  2. That soup looks like a can of paint that didn't get the lid on and the paint dried up and got all scummy....yuck! Are you saying it's clotted blood? What are those bubble things?
    That is the grossest stuff I have ever seen.

  3. Always the adventurer! Looks kind of "mild" to me. When can we expect to see you consuming a bowl of freshly cooked larvae? Now that would be SOMETHING!!


  4. Hey Ian: Remember Florida when you were seven or eight? "Don't try this at home!!! No, never!!

  5. PS. I would MUCH rather have had Kalbi!!

  6. K that is disgusting. I don't even think they would attempt that on fear factor.
    Perhaps they should start selling live octopus and cow blood soup at Froggers!
