So here is my new schedule:
- Mon., Wed., Fri. - 2:30 - Junior 1 (my favourite class because they're all so small and cute)
- Mon., Wed., Fri. - 4:00 - Reading 1.5 (I like them, but that's where the problem student is)
- Mon., Wed., Fri. - 6:00 - Science 3 (senior level course that I like)
- Tues., Thurs. - 4:00 - Science 1 (I haven't taught them yet, I'll teach them on Tuesday)
- Tues., Thurs. - 7:00 - Random un-named level (the mystery level between Junior and Senior)
Today we're supposed to go to Seoul and do cultural things but I think that might be pushed to tomorrow due to the fact that it is 2:30p.m. and I have been lounging around my apartment all day.
Sunday and Monday I am moving apartments to Lindsay's and she is moving out. I am excited to have a new view and so my plants can get sunlight and not die. I'm sad because I have to move and there is a piano and a futon in my place. My manager said he and the other guy who works at my school will help though.
The nights are getting cool here which is lovely because that means that this unnaturally warm summer is nearing an end.
Ok that's my update for the day, I haven't got much more to share at this point. I will take lots of pictures today (if we get to Seoul) or tomorrow (when we will definately go to Seoul) because it will be Lindsay's last time in Seoul on a weekend!
Have a good weekend everyone!
Thanks for the update. I thought you were moving this weekend. Etched in my memory of Korea are: - seeing Jenny yelling "IAN!!!!" from across the road from E-mart. Lindsay and Sarah going for Kalbi with us the first night...because it is TRADITION! Meeting Mark and Jennifer and Jennifer calling us "foreigners". Now all that is really just a memory ...and for you too. Savour your last months. You are so lucky to have met so many great friends. Talk to you soon, I hope.