Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Well, today in Science 3 class, I thought I would have the students make butter by shaking whipping cream for a while. What happens is this. First, you feel the liquid moving around freely. Then it gets frothy. After that, it becomes really hard, and you almost can't shake it anymore at all. Lastly, it separates into butter and butter milk, and you have butter.

Unfortunately, for some reason the experiment couldn't get past the first stage. After about 30 minutes of shaking the cream, we still had cream. So, the big finish to the class? 8 hungry students dipping pieces of bread into a bowl of cream. It was a magical scene.

I'm not sure why it didn't work, because Sarah and I did the same thing a few months back and it worked just fine. I'm sure there is some scientific explanation. Although I am teaching science, I certainly don't know why it didn't work ... re: I haven't studied science since I was 15 and forced to.

One more piece of news is this - last night I had a dream in German! I guess that's what I get for spending all of my alone time soaking myself in German. If I'm not at work or with work people, I am looking at German, listening to German and reading German. That's all part of the German studying program I am using.

I don't remember much of the dream, but I remember telling someone, "Ich putze mir die Zรคhne" which means "I am brushing my teeth". I think someone called me on the phone and I was trying to explain why I couldn't talk to them... I'm not sure.

Then I had a different dream about a person who was trying to tell me that the German word for money was "Gelb" and I was trying to convince them that 'Gelb' is the word for yellow, and "Geld" is the word for money. ... P.S. Geld is the right one!

Right, well that's all. I'm heading out for Galbi tonight which will always satisfy after a day of tough work. The best part of today? The end of it! Because that means that as of tomorrow, I'll be home in ONE WEEK!


  1. You will miss the Galbi. I do. Looking forward to a meal in Toronto when you get back....

  2. one week~ woot woot! too bad I don't have any lines from Borat to quote right now. Would have been very appropriate......
