Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas pictures!!

Here are some pics from Christmas time in Korea!

Christmas at school! Those gifts are for my students of the month!

The teachers did secret santa, here is me getting my gift... a BB gun! QUITE unexpected.

Christmas day: sleeping on the subway with Luke and Antoinette

Group pic in the subway station - Me, Lindsay, Antoinette and Luke

Christmas dinner! We were going to get turkey and stuff from this one place, but it was full so we settled with the place that was called "All American Diner" haha. It was good.

Anyway, I thought I would post those pictures, because I haven't posted many pictures lately. Also, I have until next Friday off, so I imagine I will be taking many more pictures!

Have a great Christmas everyone!!!

(Edit: 12-26-08 1:53am)
Also, I just got this cool program that makes "photo mosaics" here is one I just made.

You can click on the picture to make it big. While you're there, you can zoom in more by pressing (Ctrl +), and then zoom back out by pressing (Ctrl -). I haven't figured out how to add a link to the file for you to download!


  1. Merry Christmas Ian, Good to hear from you today. The big day is almost over, not to worry the tradition will be around another year. I love the mosaic picture, I'm sure I can see myself in one of them,lol.
    Enjoy your timje off and keep up the good stories and pictures.
    Enjoy, Kate in Winnipeg Manitoba

  2. Ian: We did miss you!We had a place all set for you with your name tag and chopsticks! And without you, Shawn,Jeff and Jason there were lots of mashed potatoes leftover! It was great to see your sleepy face so far away. Hope you enjoy your time off.
    Aunt Karen
