Friday, December 26, 2008

More random thoughts...

It's the 27th of December here in Korea, and I've decided:

It doesn't matter if I have a white Christmas, or if I hear sleigh bells in the streets. It doesn't matter if I hear Christmas carols at the mall, or if I see Christmas lights around the neighbourhood. It doesn't matter if I have a turkey dinner or pumpkin pie.

What matters is family - Thanks to technology, I got to spend Christmas with my family - everything from Christmas Eve, to Christmas morning to Christmas dinner.

I don't see snow, I don't hear bells. I don't hear carols, or see lights. I didn't eat turkey, or pumpkin pie.

Even though I'm far away, I couldn't have felt closer, I couldn't have had a better Christmas and I couldn't be happier!

Thanks everyone, and enjoy the rest of your holiday!

Once again, Merry Christmas!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ian,
    Oceans & continents can never separate us from those we love and those who love us! You're always with us, holiday or not!
    I'm happy to hear you had a good Christmas...I've posted some of our pics for you to see and it looks like Steph has too! And as you'll see I don't think there's one picture without a cat/dog in it lol! I think our family needs group therapy....doesn't every family have a cat/dog Xmas Eve, where the animals get as many gifts as us humans???
    Love YA!
