Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas wishes

Today has been an interesting day. I went out and bought my secret Santa a gift (the teachers at school all entered), but I can't give details because I don't want anyone finding out what I got for whom.

Today, while sitting and chatting with Sarah over a wonderful bowl of Cheese Soodobu , I dared to dream about vacations and world travel. Since I am already here in East Asia, I think I should take advantage of my proximity to other famous places and places I've always wanted to go. Here are some preliminary ideas:
  • January long weekend (for the lunar new year), Beijing, China. I would see Beijing, Tiananmen Square, the Great Wall of China and the Forbidden City. I have wanted to go to those places for a LONG time.
  • Next, we have a long weekend in May. A bunch of us are going to go to Japan. I'm really excited for this trip. It will be very nice because it's spring and all the cherry blossoms will be out. It will look really nice. I don't have any specific sights I want to see there, just Japan in general.
  • The last weekend that I can think off the top of my head is in June or July. For that trip I want to go either to Thailand, Taiwan, or Laos. All three of those places are apparently quite nice, but I have to do some more research and come to a good decision.
  • Finally, when I leave Korea next November, I want to go on a bigger trip. All of the above mentioned trips are between 400000 and 700000 Won which is about $350-650 Canadian. Like I said, I should take advantage of the cheap airfare now that I'm already over here. My final trip I want to go somewhere like Europe. I have been looking into it. There are package deals that sign you up for attraction admission, hotels and transportation all for one price. These prices are between 1,600,000 and 2,000,000 won which is about $1400-1800 Canadian.

Those are my travel ideas for now. I can definately go on these trips, save money in Korea and still go back to Canada with a handsome amount of cash in my wallet. I'm pretty excited for the prospect of these trips. I hope it actually works out!

Well, today is Sunday. It's about 10:16pm now, which means it's 8:16am on Sunday for Canada (Ontario). I hear you guys are getting just as much snow today as you did on Friday. Be safe, don't drive if you don't have to and stay warm!

Have a good Sunday,



  1. What exactly is cheese soodobu? I'm guessing it involves cheese in some way ( perceptive, I know ).

    I don't know if you remember my friend Sonia that we met at the Dickens that one time? She's travelled quite a bit in South & South East Asia, so she could probably make some pretty amazing recommendations in terms of where to go and when. Let me know if you're interested in talking with her- she'd be happy to help you out I'm sure.

    The Dragon's Beard video was cool- I watched it like three times trying to figure out exactly what they are doing to keep getting it to divide like that, but I'm still slightly mystified.

    Anyhow, we have a family Christmas thing tomorrow, and then I work Christmas Eve day and am going to Jen's place Christmas Eve night, so I don't know if I'll get to wish you Merry Christmas on the 25'th, so I'll preempt it a bit: Merry Christmas.

  2. Merry Christmas from Kelowna, B.C., Canada. Enjoying your adventures in Korea as well as the pictures. The video was pretty cool! You'll have to bring one of those interesting spoons\tongs back with you. Look forward to learning more about the Korean culture and reading about your trips.
    We're planning to get together with your mom and dad on Dec. 28. Flying to Kitchener on the 26th, if the weather clears up. It's been quite crazy for the past 3 days and so terribly frustrating for many....take care and all the best for the holidays and 2009! Pat & Ursula Ryan

  3. Hi Ian! I am enjoying your updates :) It seems like you are having a good time.

    Not sure where you're planning to go in Europe, but Tamara and I did a bit of packpacking in June and it would definately be worth it for you to see some of while you're over there already! You can probably do it all on your own too, instead of a package deal. Cheaper that way.

    Merry Christmas and all the best.

    Laura Cook
