Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Lobsters on the streets of Korea

I know I promised that my next post would contain pictures of my recent adventure to a zoo / amusement park. However, you'll understand by the fantasticness of this post, why I had to break that promise. I explain most of it in the video, but here's another explanation.

This is probably the most bizarre thing I've seen since I've been to Korea... and I've seen MANY bizarre things:

You know those games where you pay a quarter and you steer that metal claw that tries to grab a toy? Well, they have several of them here in Korea. In fact, I won a little stuffed animal from one the other night. However, there is a twist. In one of the machines, there are LOBSTERS. I assumed they were alive, but after I tried to pick them up I discovered that one was dead, and one was living. So. I decided to try to "win" the living one.

Please enjoy the video of me "Fishing for Lobsters in the Streets of Korea". Thanks to Sarah for the wonderful video job!

Only in Korea... Only in Korea...


  1. Ian: Do you know how to cook lobster or was this going to be a pet? Great video!

  2. You are having fun, aren't you! Was that in Seoul? Can't wait to see what you do with the LIVE lobster when you go "fishing" again. I guess if you decide to cook it you won't have a problem boiling it on your gourmet cooking range! Baked lobster would not be an option....

  3. haha, I was planning on cooking him. I went back today, and the dead one was gone... replaced with a live one! Good to know that they change them every now and then!

  4. Only in Korea is right! Although maybe they think that it is absolutely ridiculous that we do that for sutffed toys that end up in the Amity bin. Much more practical this way. Those Foreigners! Always thinkin!

  5. Jill's on to something there!!
