Friday, February 6, 2009

A whole big discovery

Well! I just discovered (I realise that an hour ago I made a post saying I was going to go to bed) something that I hope will make my blog much more popular! All for free, I can see how many people have accessed my blog from google, and what they typed in to google in order to find my blog! I have had one "hit" from someone typing in a search into google. The search was "shipping customs to Korea". haha, apparently this blog was the 21st search result when that person searched that phrase in google.

This is both exciting and kind of weird for me, because I didn't realise that I could see that! I'm excited! Also, I clicked a little box that allows my blog to be searched in both the "web" google feature, but also in "google images" which is great, because then people can see my pictures and learn about Korea and the other places that I've posted pictures of!

Alright. I forgot to mention that also the kids in my class LOVED the letters they got from everyone in Canada. Thanks again to everyone who took the time to write a response. They really liked it!

Alright, now I'm definately going to bed!!!

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