Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My broken bubble has been partially mended

Ok, well work is still hectic, but my computer is fixed. Thank. You. Mark. I was starting to go crazy without it.

In other news, I am going to Japan. I have mentioned that before I think, but this is official. I was deciding between Japan and Mongolia for my May vacation, and Mongolia turned out to be VERY expensive. So, Japan it is. I am going with Keri (the same girl who's birthday it was a few weekends ago). I am really excited. We are going for 4 days, and 3 nights. We will be staying in Tokyo. I hear it's expensive there, but that's ok. It doesn't matter where you are, McDonalds is always cheap!

I just wondered - I wonder if I will ever find myself in these places again - wandering the streets of Seoul, walking along the Great Wall of China, or discovering what treasures Japan holds. Even though classes are extremely annoying at times, and students give me a headache almost every day, I guess it's worth it when I look out the window and see the sights I see.

Alright, that's enough deep thinking for now. I mentioned the students give me a head ache almost every day? Well, today is one of those days, so enough deep thinking for me. My head is pounding worse than ... well, I would usually think to put a clever analogy there, but not today. re: head ache.

OK. That's enough update for now, I hope everyone is alright! Ontario is now only 13 hours behind us thanks to day light savings! That's totally unrelated to this post, but I thought I should mention that Korea doesn't do daylight savings.

K bye.


  1. Ian I bet you gave your teachers a headache once or twice! Think of it as payback! Take lots of pictures to post of Japan for us.

  2. Do you get to sleep in McLobby or is it just cheap to eat there? "Very excite GYPSY." Jill, that one's really for you...

  3. PS. I think of the 1600 blog hits you received, over a 1000 of them are from Aunt Karen, Cousin Kate and me!!!! Perhaps you're not as famous as you think....LOL

  4. I was just thinking....remember your grade 5 teacher said you "were a menace to society?"

  5. a headache every day eh? i can relate to that! Children seem to have that effect don't they??
