Thursday, October 22, 2009

11 months

Well, as of yesterday I have been here for 11 months. I am a day late with my monthly post, but that's ok. Since Melissa left, and after the temple stay, it has been pretty quiet. Actually, I haven't been going out at all this week after work because me and Soohan have started an "eat at home week" regime. It is going well! Since Monday, I haven't gone out for dinner at all! It's been quite nice! Well, to be honest, it's more work, but it's cheaper. I spent $30 on Monday and I haven't spent any since then! So I had $100 for the week and I still have $70 of that left! I'm quite impressed with myself actually!

I have been having many dreams lately about my french horn. I need to whip myself back into shape as fast as I can when I get home because I'm afraid I've lost a lot of the talent/practice. I'm sure it will come back to me, but it's a little worrisome to think that even after 4 months of not practicing back in University, it took me about 6 months to get back on track and back to the level I was at. I think I've mentioned this here before, but I think if I start to practice when I get home, I will be ready for May if the people in Woodstock ask me to be in the musical again. I should also contact Tim from my practice teaching and see if they're doing a musical theatre bit this year.

Yes, I had a dream that I was opening my french horn for the first time, but for some reason I was at my high school in the music room. It was really weird. I hope he's alright when I get home. I imagine he'll be a bit stiff, but I might take him in to the store to get cleaned professionally, considering I've never had that done... and I think you're supposed to do it like every 6 months or something :|

As of today, it is 19 days until we get paid, and I have 24 teaching days left. I have 35 days left in Korea. That doesn't seem that long at all! I don't know where the time went, but I've said it before and I'll say it again. Every weekend I wonder where the week went, and I wonder how another week has gone by. But, it's a different story on a daily basis at work. At work when I have to discipline students and get stressed out because someone isn't following the rules, I wonder if the day will ever end. It's really weird. I think the happiest I ever was at a job was when I was at Tim Hortons! Strange...

Speaking of Tim Hortons, I called my old Tim Hortons and asked if they would want me back when I got home. I will work there just until I find a good full time position somewhere, because I need the income. Actually word for word, the conversation was this:

Me - Hello, this is Ian Kivell calling. I am in Korea now, and I will be going back to Canada in December. I was wondering if you would have any openings at that time?

Manager - Of course, Ian. We have all your information on file. Just call us when you get back and we'll put you on the schedule.

I think that's the easiest job I've ever gotten!! Anyway, I was really happy after that - I'll have a job when I get home, and I know I'll like it because I worked there for 8 years of my life (well, over some time. I suppose if you added up all the days, it would be about 7 years)...

I remember getting frustrated, but at least that customer is out of your life within 30 seconds, they're not a child and you're not responsible for disciplining them! (Although admittedly I did feel like teaching some customers about manners).

Alright, that's my rant for the day. I have to go to work now. I mentioned this a long time ago - I teach Monday Wednesday Friday classes, and different classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So. I have 10 TTH classes left now, and 14 MWF classes left. When I break it down like that, it seems like even less!

Alright folks, wish me luck. I'm off to work.


  1. Time flies! When you break it down, it really doesn't seem like any time is left at all!
    My favourite job was McDonalds! It was awesome there! You should just invest in a Tim Hortons. $ $ $

  2. Just wait till you get those stressed out happy Christmas shoppers infront of you at Tim Horton's....
