Monday, October 26, 2009

4 weeks

Well, as of today it's 4 weeks until my last day of teaching. That excites me more than it should. I know 4 weeks is a long time, but compared with 52, it doesn't seem so bad anymore! Yesterday was kind of a bad day, I have to teach Science which is part of the problem. I didn't do ESL training to come to Korea and teach Science. I didn't stop taking Science in grade 10 (10 years ago) to come to Korea and teach Science.

Actually, Science isn't really the problem. I like what I'm teaching because I think it's interesting, but the students DON'T CARE. I don't blame them... I could imagine spending 6 hours a week at a school learning Science in French... I wouldn't like it. They're paying to study English, not Science. Anyway, that wasn't the problem.

Yesterday this student was being really rude so I sent her out to the counter staff. I know it doesn't sound that bad, but it ruined the whole lesson because then I noticed that no one was really interested in what I was saying. It was frustrating. All I can say is that I'll be done with this soon. I like to think that I could do it again for 6 months somewhere else, but there has to be a point where the money doesn't make up for what you have to do... It was probably April when I started thinking to myself, "You're getting $100 a day for this... just keep going". Now, even that amount of money seems like it's not worth it.

I like a job I can perfect. One that when people see me do it, they say "wow, you're good at this"... TIM HORTONS.

My ideas in this post aren't really coherent... I suppose it's because I just woke up and I am only half way through my morning coffee.

I'll update soon, probably on Thursday when it's 4 weeks until I come home!


  1. When you see the end in sight, it can't come fast enough. Most of us have had jobs like that at some point but some people get in a rut and spend all their working years hating their job. You're young and there is so much out there for you. Be patient. Work hard. It will happen.

  2. 3 weeks and 6 days until your flight lands in Canada! Woot Woot~ absolutely peanuts compared to your last countdown in April! Can't wait!
    Happy Halloween!!
