Sunday, October 25, 2009

Good weekend

Well, I had a good weekend - I cleaned up a lot, caught up on some rest and finished my report cards. Yesterday, I went Myeongdong and Gangnam which was fun. I got a key chain at Myeongdong for Jill, and then I saw another key chain for Phaedra that I thought I'd get for her. That's that. Today me and Soohan went bowling for a change. It was pretty fun, but we had this kid next to us who was practicing and he was SO good, it made me feel a little inadequate! He had played 6 games by the time we got there, his highest score was 230something I think 234 I think. It was crazy. The first game I got just over 100 and the second I got just under it.

When I get home I will be joining Steph's bowling league which happens every Sunday night I think. It will be really fun to do something like that. I haven't been in a 'club' or anything like that for a really long time. It's good to have a weekly thing to look forward to like that. Plus, it will allow me to spend lots of time with Jen and Steph's Dad to catch up and things.

Well, I've been sleeping a lot this weekend which is just lovely... actually, I just woke up from about a 4 hour slumber, and I will be returning to that slumber soon. I will definately be well rested for tomorrow's teaching!

1 comment:

  1. They might not want you on the bowling league if your score is around 100! You sure didn't take after your mother in that department...AND don't forget the fact that I snagged Dad in the bowling alley 32+ years ago!!!
    As for the last club you belonged to...I think it was the WBS. (Western Billiard Society)
