Monday, October 5, 2009

Melissa's visit!

Well, it's Tuesday which means many things. Firstly, it means that I have to go back to work after a long weekend of holiday. That's depressing.

On a lighter note, Melissa and I have been doing many things! On Friday when she got here, we went to the first night in Korea tradition - Galbi. After that we had desert at Canmore - the shaved ice place with fruit all over it and chocolate deliciousness.

Saturday we went to Deoksugung palace, Changdeokgung palace, Insadong, Itaewon and Hongdae! What a full day!

Sunday we went to Aiin's World and met Jenny for dinner in Seoul. After that we went to a Buddhist temple in Gangnam (the temple I went to in August - the pictures had the giant Buddha). This time we had Jenny with us which was really nice, because she's Buddhist and she knew a ton of information that was really interesting. The first time I went there I thought, "well this is nice", but this time I can understand what everything is and what it all means!

Yesterday (Monday) we went to Everland the amusement park. It was really fun, and there are some great pictures!

Today we are going to go to Incheon to go to Chinatown. We'll have a nice lunch at a restaurant that I found in an alley way (much more delicious than it sounds), and then I have to work. After work, we're going to a Chinese restaurant by the LG department store which I think she will find to be scrumptious.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) to Friday, I'm not sure what we're going to do. If Melissa is comfortable going on the subway, she can see some things in Seoul. If not, there are plenty of things around here to busy the eyes for the time I'm at work.

This coming Saturday will be good - we will go to the DMZ. When we get back home from the DMZ, we can see the changing of the guard at Deoksugung palace (we didn't see it on Saturday because it was a holiday weekend), and find some things to do in Seoul.

Thursday is my birthday and I'm not sure what we'll do after work, but it will be fun.

Right then. I'll update again after we've done more things!

Here is a picture of us in the fun house at Everland - we're both on opposite sides of a turning platform taking pictures of each other!


  1. Hi Mel & Ian,
    Enjoy your time together,all sounds good.
    Have a Happy Birthday. I have been enjoying your blog

  2. Looks like you are having a blast!! Can't wait to see all of the photos!
    The countdown is on! 2 more days till you are 25! Who can believe it?!

