Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1

Well, welcome to October everyone!

Happy Birthday Jay B. (Brother in law)! And thanks a bunch for giving Melissa a ride to the airport! Right now, Melissa is in the air and she is flying from Toronto to Vancouver. After a layover of about 3 hours (I think), she will continue on her way and I'll be meeting her in 17 hours ish at the airport here in Korea!

I can't believe how hot it is here. I heard at home that people are wearing t-shirts, sweaters and jackets outside already! Today I wore shorts and a t-shirt and I was SO hot.

I just woke up from a nap so this post is quite jumpy. Tonight I will go to the foreigner bar Rhythm & Booze because my friend is there, and he has a bunch of people with him. It will be fun I think, and it's better than sitting in my apartment, where the clock seems to go backwards waiting for Melissa to get here!

Oh, I don't think I said up here - I have my plane ticket booked to come home!!!!!!!!! It's November 26th, just about a year and a week after I got here. I called the Japan Airlines people (who I'm flying with from Seoul to Tokyo, Tokyo to Chicago and Chicago to Toronto), and asked for exit rows (leg room), but they didn't have any open anymore, so I got aisle seats (I can stretch my legs and not disrupt people if I want to get up), so that's good.

I'm also really happy that I'm flying with Japan Airlines all the way because Asian airline staff are SO nice, and they will literally be happy to do anything you ask them to! North American airline staff are definately not like that. haha.

What other news do I have... ? ... Oh, I cleaned my apartment a lot today. It was really nice to get that done finally. It wasn't dirty, but the floor really needed to be cleaned, and I washed all of the sheets and towels and things, so Melissa will have a clean bed and clean things to use.

I also had pasta today.

I watched Anchorman at Soohan's house, which was really funny. I've seen it before, but I forgot lots of the jokes and things.

Anyway, I'm going to go now - I'll just finish this wonderful hot cup of coffee and head out to that foreigner bar!

Hope everyone will have a good October!


  1. You're so close to Minnesota from Chicago! YOU SHOULD COME VISIT ME!! haha ;) I can't believe you're almost done!

  2. November 26th!! That is exciting! I bet you can't wait to be back on Canadian ground,
    I hope you and M-e-l-i-s-s-a area having a great time, I haven't heard anything from either of you, so I assume you are!
    It's almost your birthday! Enjoy it! Jay will be getting wisdom teeth pulled!
