Monday, November 23, 2009

Last Monday

Well, I had my last classes of MWF. I still can't believe I'm saying things like "last" and "goodbye"... it's weird.

Anyway, they went well. I also met the new teacher today, and he seems really nice. He taught kindergarten before, and he seems to be really good with kids. It wasn't terribly sad to see any of my classes go, but hey... that's life.

I WAS sad to see one student of mine go (Karen). She was such a sweetie and I'm going to miss her a lot. She gave me her e-mail address though.

Carlos (the teacher who took over for Lindsay) had his class (my old class) make a big card which they all signed. It was sooo nice to get that, I think it's the best thing I've gotten from students! I will bring it home and put it on display for everyone to see!

I also had my last meal at the Soondubu restaurant. I took a picture with the ladies who work there. We went there with the staff from school. It was nice to have one last dinner together. Anyway, I will attach those 2 pictures here for your viewing pleasure.

Oh, one more piece of good news - the new teacher is living with his uncle now so he doesn't need housing which means that I don't have to move out of my apartment until I actually leave to go to the airport Thursday morning, and that is truly magical. Much less stress.

Alright, time for bed. After tonight, I will have 2 more sleeps until I go home. That's so exciting, I don't think I can explain it!

Good night everyone!

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