Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The lovely ups and downs of getting food poisoning

Well, this morning I woke up at around 11. I immediately knew something was quite wrong. I ate at a restaurant last night for Sarah's birthday. We had Sam Gyup Sal which is fried pork that is cooked on a grill in front of you.

Both Sarah and Lindsay got sick today as well, but nothing like me. I have never been that sick in my life. I could hardly get the energy to go to the washroom every 10 minutes as was required for about 5 hours.

Anyway, long story short: I am feeling worse than death today. But it is getting better. I haven't been sick for about 2 or 3 hours, just I have been sleeping and what not.

Don't worry, I have been drinking lots and lots of water. I just finished a 2 litre bottle of it (although most of that ended up right back in front of me in about 30 seconds).

Hopefully I feel better tomorrow. I went to the doctors with my supervisor who speaks Korean. The doctor said I had food poisoning and to stay away from meat, leafy lettuce, unpeeled fruit, and street meat.

After today I might just stick with bread and cereal for the year! I never want to go threw this again, it was just awful.

I'm lying down right now, and every minute that passes brings more relief and less getting sick. I think I will be alright by tomorrow.

I also have to get Sarah's camera to post the pictures of Myong Dong and the peace movement/riot police!

Hope all is well in Canada.


  1. Ian: With all the different foods I'm surprised this didn't happen to you sooner! It's not a good way to lose weight. Hope you feel better soon!

  2. You never want to go "threw" this again...You must having been think about when you "threw" up not what you don't want to go "through" again. LOL. Hope you feel better soon. I guess my cooking was never that bad!!!

  3. Aww, Ian, I'm sorry you're so sick. Food poisoning is not fun at all, but you kind of just have to wait it out. It usually doesn't last more than 24 hours. I have had it a few times.

    Feel better soon!

  4. Ian, hope you're feeling better soon!
    We all miss you....but enjoy reading your blogs. It helps keep us connected!

  5. Stay away from street meat? That's punishment in itself!! Better get back to normal soon!!
