Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Well it's been 2009 for 15 hours now, and I have to say it's been a good year!

Looking back on 2008:

2008 was a challenging year. From teachers college, to practice teaching, to leaving the comfort of being a student and making the uncertain switch to adulthood! It had it's challenges, but with challenges come rewards. It was also a rewarding year.

I rang in 2008 at Niagara Falls, with my nearest and dearest friends, Steph Phaedra and Jen:

It's hard to believe that was a year ago already!!

At that point I was in the middle of my practice teaching. I taught grade 7-8 music, history and English for 6 weeks, and then in the new year I taught grade 9-12 music.
2 Pictures of West Elgin Senior Elementary School, where I did my practice teaching at the end of 2007.

Then I graduated teacher's college up at Nipissing University. That degree was pretty fun, mainly because of the people I met up in North Bay. Although -35°C weather isn't fun.

Upon finishing my teacher's college degree, I returned back to Hamilton. From then to when I left for Korea was the longest I've been in Hamilton since I left for UWO in August of 2003. It was nice to be able to stick around for that long.
I started off my summer break by playing for two musicals - Beauty and the Beast in Woodstock, and Footloose (also in Woodstock). I absolutely loved playing for both of them, and I am very sad I won't be able to play for musicals until 2010. I played French Horn for Beauty and the Beast and piano for Footloose. Both shows were amazing amounts of fun!

On June 28th, 2008 my sister Jill got married to Jay Buckland! It was a perfect wedding, and I really enjoyed myself. Everything went perfectly and Jill couldn't have looked prettier.
Left to right - Ashley, Bronwynn, Dad, Jill, Mom, Melissa and Cheryl
Jill with Grandma and Grandpa
The siblings! Me, Jill and Melissa
Jay and Jill - what a nice picture!
Then came other summer festivities! Most of my time was spent with Steph, getting into our usual antics and adventures! We went to the Toronto Zoo - something we were planning on doing for years, but only got around to doing this year.

Best friend in the world Steph!

By the stingray pool! I pet them!

Some sort of butterfly emporium

My absolute favourite animal - the Royal Bengal Tiger
We also frequented Niagara Falls. It is about 35 minutes - 40 minutes away depending on traffic, so it is very easy to get to. We went several times this summer, but two times were particularily memorable! First we went for Steph's birthday! I had a little too much wine at dinner and as a result we decided to stay in a hotel for the night. It turned out to be a BLAST! We had a great night that night. Here are pics from Steph's birthday!

I filled her car up with balloons! Who doesn't love that on their birthday?!

My wonderful group of friends! Left to right - Brent, Phaedra, Matt, Me, Steph and Jen

The view from our restaurant. Quite nice.

Then we went to the casino!

We ended the night by going to a club which was $10 to enter, and each beverage was $6+ after that. Needless to say we didn't stay too long / didn't drink much more!
The other time we went to Niagara Falls was to experience the Maid of the Mist. And experience it we did! It was amazing, one of those moments that makes you feel tiny and insignificant - extreme vulnerability in the presence of really powerful mother nature!

I only have pictures of the American Falls because there was far too much water by the Canadian Falls and my camera would have broken!

Then of course there was the Northern adventures - both the Kinsmen camp at Meaford (an annual tradition celebrated by Steph, Phaedra, Jen and me) and the cottage trip which was really fun!

After frolicking and enjoying unemployed life for 4 months, I had to buckle down and return to the labour force. In other words, I went back to my near and dear pal who is always there for me to lean on.... Tim Hortons. Then everything came together really fast and before I knew it I was on my way to Korea! Saying goodbye was pretty hard, but I keep in touch through web cam and e-mail and the occasional written letter. Korea has been amazing, and my adventures have just begun!

Goodbye party attendees - Jay, Cheryl, Laura, Me, Jill, Jon and Ace

Boots making her escape!
Well that was my year in a nutshell. Looking forward to 2009, I am excited to spend the year in Korea. I plan on visiting China, Japan, another southeast Asian country and then when I leave to go back to Canada I want to visit another country for about 2 weeks. I haven't decided where yet, but I've been looking in to some places. The flights from Korea are extremely cheap, plus I get a discount with this one travel agency. Some of the places I have been looking into: Europe (probably Germany / Austria), India, Australia, New Zealand. Like I said, that last trip is still wayyy up in the air. I'm not sure where I'll end up yet, but I will have the money for it, and I'm up for the adventure!
Anyway, that's my year! I wish everyone a fantastic new year, and all the best in whatever you do!


  1. 35-40 minutes to Niagara Falls??? How fast do you drive....or did you start from the QEW in Stoney Creek??
    Hope 2009 is as good for you as 2008!

  2. yo yo check it west side. That was the best going away cake anyone could ask for!! Hope your 2009 is as fun as 2008!

  3. Happy New Year Ian.
    Wishing you a wonderful year ahead.
    I am enjoying reading your travels.
