Friday, March 27, 2009


Well, tomorrow all of us are going to Everland, which is like Canada's Wonderland for Korea. We are going just in time to see the Flower Carnival starting. I am excited. It has been a LONG week which we will all be happy to get away from.

It should be a good time, and as always, we will take many pictures. When I say we, I mean I will steal someone's camera and take pictures with it all day, because mine is broken.

Alright, we are just on our way out for dinner, and then it's an early morning tomorrow. Stay tuned for pictures!

1 comment:

  1. broken camera, broken computer, oh dear. Hopefully you will have a better week next week! Then only a couple more, and mom and dad are there! Have fun at Everland! Looks like a great time.
