Sunday, April 19, 2009


Well, today's good-bye wasn't as dramatically hard as I thought it would be. I was expecting a scene from the movies. You know, the one where you cry all the way home, with sad music in the background and stand in the rain alone for a few hours.

Actually, it is raining, but the rest of the story is the opposite. I smiled all the way home. I thought to myself - how privilaged I feel to have parents that can take the time (and $$$!) out of their lives to come and visit me a 24 hour trip away from home, in a place where they had no desire to go until I got here!

They said many times that they had a great trip, and I'm really happy they liked it. I think the best part for me was just to show them where I've been living for the last 5 months. This week flew by in a heartbeat. Just goes to show that time flies when you're having fun! I remember last week at this time thinking to myself - my parents are coming tomorrow. It seemed unreal, like it couldn't actually happen. (I'm not sure why...)

Anyway, just as fast as they came, they've gone.

It was really a fantastic visit, and I'm really glad they liked it here.

I have a new laptop (well, new to me - it's my Dad's old one), so I will be able to update much more frequently again. (I hope everyone saw the last 2 posts, they're updates about what I"ve been up to with my parents and a little update about a new and delicious food... NOT).

Until next time


  1. Hey, hey. Here we are back in Canada. We transferred in Atlanta in the rain, and arrived
    in Toronto in the pouring rain. So the weather really co-operated for us when we were in Korea. The day it rained, we slept all day!!! So we missed it. We have 416 pics! Thanks for the memories. Missing you already.

  2. Awwwwww, glad you had a good time! It seems surreal that you've already been there five months- almost half way!

  3. Well, after arriving home, mom and dad went to dinner at the Keg ( without me) then came down for a tea. Don was sleeping. You must have kept them busy for the week, they had a blast! I wish I could come too. Darn the Mortgage!
