Sunday, April 26, 2009

End of April

Well, it's the end of April and I'm happy. I'm happy because we are getting a vacation that starts on Wednesday and goes until the following Tuesday! I'm really excited!

So, on the Saturday I'm heading to Japan and I'll be there until the Tuesday. I'm really excited. I have only been to Japan once before, and that was to the airport for only about 2 hours. One might say I didn't really have the chance to experience the culture!

Anyway, I am going to sit down on Wednesday and figure out what I'm going to do when I get there. Should be fun.

Right now I'm procrastinating - I'm supposed to be typing up report cards, but I really don't want to do any more. I only have 5 left to do, but right now I'd rather watch Planet Earth (it's playing in the background... )

Well, this is a short update, but I thought I should write something!

Alright, bye everyone!


  1. What did you do on the weekend besides Calbi??

  2. I mean Kalbi! Kalbi with a "K" ... like Kivell
