Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sannakji video

Well, on the Sunday before my parents came, I had the most interesting (and disgusting) meal I've had so far in Korea. It was called Sannakji (or live octopus)! You can read about it on that link (wikipedia article), or you can just read my experience here.

We ordered it from a restaurant that had many fish tanks out front. The fish tanks had octopus, fish, squid, and these weird tubey things that didn't have eyes, and shouldn't be allowed to live. They were outrageously nasty looking.

Anyway, after we ordered the Sannakji, the guy came out from the restaurant, grabbed the octopus from the tank with his hands, and brought it inside. Less than 30 seconds later we had moving, crawling, writhing, live octopus in front of us on a plate.

I tried a couple of pieces, and surprisingly it wasn't terrible, although it's no steak and potato dinner. Trying to pick a few good pieces to eat, the pieces would grab on to my chopsticks and not let go if I tried to put them down. It was pretty gross, but an experience nonetheless.

The best part? There's a video of us eating it.


  1. All I can say about this is everyone should look at the Wikipedia link about Sannakji. For all those reading this blog, Ian didn't subject us to this "Korean torture"...

  2. Thank goodness Ian and his friends throughly chewed this dish and were not intoxicated while eating Sannakji. Ian, this is probably not a dish your mother will be serving Uncle and I any time soon. It was fun to watch all your reactions to it though! By chance have you bought share in Tums or Rolaids?

  3. That is disgusting! There is no way I would have tried that. You are very brave! xoxo DD

  4. Wow, that was *intense*. I don't think I've seen anything half as funny recently as your facial expressions in that video.

    That said- I want to try it. Looks too creepy and disturbing NOT to try. LOL. BUT- I'm guessing there's nowhere locally I can do that. Maybe a little DIY sannakji action?

    Maybe not.

  5. Oh wow. I bet even Borat didn't eat that in Kazacstan. That's revolting. you would make a great contestant on Fear Factor. Pretty sure jay went to throw up.

  6. I just have to ask - WHY? would anyone even think about eating live video though. glad it's you not me. Pat said that's enough to forget about EVER going to Korea. take care, from Kelowna
