Tuesday, April 14, 2009

They're here

Well, my parents have arrived safely (I thought I should update, Aunt Karen!). They got in last night, and I met them after school. We went to the restaurant that is tradition to go to for everyone's first night in Korea. I was happy because they both liked the meal. After the dinner we went to a place we call Popingsu, which is a delicious shaved ice dessert type thing. I think I wrote about it before here.

I finally have the new laptop, which is great. I have to get my files from Sarah's computer and put them on my new computer so that I can update this blog like crazy, and also put my pictures on to facebook!

Today we are doing local things... we are going to Emart, Hyundai Dept. store, and The Mall. It should be fun.

Well, it's 8:13 in the morning, so I might rest my eyes for a little bit.

K bye


  1. Here I sit in your apartment, responding to your blog from where you sit to post it. All the while I am listening to you play the piano behind me. It's so good to be here. It's like you never left. If I had to go home today, I would have to say I had a wonderful trip! Looking forward to the days ahead...

  2. So glad everyone arrived safe and sound and that the good times have started to roll. Please say "Hi" for me. I can't wait to hear more about the trip.

  3. Awwwwwwww, this was a nice update! Hope you and your parents have fun together while they're over! How long are they staying?

    I have some very amusing news for you which I'll have to msg you on facebook lest it be viewed by the person in question. I'll let you know when I have more than ten seconds of free time ( so perhaps some time in August? LOL ).

    Anyhow, sorry I haven't been commenting much, but I have been reading. Glad you're well.


  4. Looking forward to your adventures with Ian! Stay safe from Kelowna. Pat & Ursula

  5. Look forward to hearing\seeing about your adventures with Ian! stay safe, from Kelowna. Pat & Ursula
