Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Well, it's the middle of August (just about), and things are going on just as normal as they usually do. We have the two new teachers who are adjusting to their new surroundings, and that's about all that is different.

Today I'm going to the bank because I need to send money home so I have $$ when I get there! On the weekend (I'm not sure if I've already said this), we went to the National Museum of Korea again. It had a special exhibition about Egypt which was really really interesting! I took some pictures which I'm not allowed to put up here because I'd probably be arrested. haha.

We also got poutine on the weekend, and my friend from Belgium/Spain/Japan really liked it! Both Keri and I took him to share the Canadian experience! I can picture us getting it again next weekend actually!

Alright, like I said I'm on my way out to the bank, I thought I would update!

This coming weekend, we are going to a wedding. But! It's a traditional Korean wedding. Our co-worker's sister is getting married and he invited us to go see. It's apparently quite different from weddings at home - he says they're really short and there is only like a luncheon afterwards, not a big dinner & party! I'll bring my camera and take pictures if that's allowed!

Alright, now I'll go! Bye everyone!


  1. You are really getting to experience the Korean culture. How exciting. I'm looking forward to seeing the traditional wedding costume. are keeping your Aunt entertained with this poutine stuff! I'm glad to hear you are saving $$$...yes!

  2. Ian: I think you should post a new picture of yourself. With all this poutine you have had lately you must have put on the pounds!

  3. quick wedding eh? I suppose that means they would have brought their GPS with them!
