Monday, September 21, 2009

10 months

Well folks, yesterday was my 10 months anniversary here in Korea. That means a month has gone by since I switched classes, and I think the next 2 will be alright. I got to speak with Jill on the webcam last night which was really nice because we've been playing tag for about 2 weeks now!

There are 10 days until Melissa comes!

In about 6 days, my parents will be leaving for a nice trip in Europe. I am officially jealous. Well, I was jealous when the first told me about it, but I'm more jealous now, because it's happening soon.

I seem to be at a loss of things to talk about, I just thought I'd make a post about my 10 month mark. This Saturday I'm going to a concert of Beethoven's 6th symphony. I am really looking forward to it. A few months back, Lindsay and I went to a concert of Beethoven's 3rd piano concerto and 3rd symphony, and that was pretty nice, too.

Alright, I am going to drink my morning coffee.

Bye now


  1. I cannot believe it is almost over. When you first left, everyone said the time would go fast. Well, it didn't for me. The months seemed like years. Now when you say 2 more months I know the time will go fast. Life's like that sometimes - Fast when you want the moments to last forever and slow when you want the time to go when you want Monday to be Friday. I'll be sure to eat some Turkish Delight for you. Make sure Melissa doesn't come home without Dragon's Beard. MMMM, yummy......

  2. While your parents are away please keep updating your blog so we have something to look forward to after the cruise. It will be a contest between your dad and Uncle who takes the most pictures! Make sure to post some pictures of Melissa and the sights you take her to see. Do you ever go back to that lobster tank to see if you can catch him? If you do you could treat Mel to a lobster dinner!
