Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Well, I don't really have a reason to make a post, other than this - I was playing scrabble on the internet with my friend Soohan. My first word was 'unsolved' which got me 110 points right off the bat, then I put down zits a few turns later and got 114 points for it!! I finished the game with 468 points!!!!

Here is a pic of the game.

It was a fun game! And, my highest scrabble score I think. Anyway, that's all for now. Aunt Karen - they took the lobster machine away! When my Mom & Dad were here, we found another one, but that one is gone now, too. Very sad.

Alright, I'll go now. Time to drink my morning coffee.

Have a good Wednesday everyone!


  1. Other than a dinosaur what is a rex? What is a ti, a rin or ai? This must be Korean Scrabble. Maybe not, Amigos... Then there's oy, fay & aha. Are those different varieties of kimchi?

  2. Haha, well rex is the Latin word for "King". Scrabble rules generally say we can't use different languages, but if that were strictly the case, we couldn't use half of English because it comes from Latin... among other languages... "Ti" is the 7th degree of a musical scale (as in do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-do).

    To be frank, I don't know what rin, or ai are. I feel like those must have been Soohan's words. haha. Whatever scrabble allows is a word, so I'm not too concerned!

  3. Good teacher.- an explanation for everything. OK, you are the Champion!!!
