Thursday, September 3, 2009


Well, here we are September. It's not starting off so well. My friend David left yesterday, and today Lindsay leaves. I feel like I've swallowed a tablet of emotional instability... if that makes sense at all. It's really strange - before I came to Korea I was never really emotional, except for when I left Western... now it seems that more and more often, I either miss my friends, or my family or something changes and it makes my brain go crazy. Now I'm thinking these things: I'm sad because I'm the only one left from who I first met here in Korea, I'm sad because 2 people that I became good friends with are now gone, happy because I have only 3 months left, happy to have had the opportunity to meet these people, sad because I have to leave in 3 months... it's a whole big thing. oh dear.

In lighter news, I have decided that to busy myself and to take my mind off of the loneliness, I will do cultural things in September and see more of Korea that I have wanted to see this whole time but have never gotten around to doing it. This Saturday I am going to a few parks and maybe a museum. Sunday I am going to the traditional Korean music museum with my friend Soohan (the new teacher from New York who's a music major). It will be nice, and I'll take lots of pictures.

In 4 weeks today, Melissa will come!!!!!!!! I'm so excited. Everyday I look at the calendar and wonder why sometimes time goes so slowly, but other times it goes so fast! Before I know it, I'm sure I'll be home and I'll wonder what happened to my year in Korea, but now it seems like forever waiting for a month to go by so I can see my sister!

I'm more than thrilled that I'll be home for Christmas and with the family this year. It's funny... I still remember Christmas day this year in Korea... we went to a restaurant in Itaewon, and foreigners and Koreans were all wishing us, "Merry Christmas" as we walked down the street, or went to a store.

I remember the China trip with Lindsay, Sarah and Jenny and thinking at the time 'I'm so lucky to have met these people'

I remember the Jeju trip with Lindsay, and how it was a miracle that the two of us traveling together didn't get lost! haha.

Anyway, speaking of Lindsay... I have to go to the bus stop and say goodbye to her. She's lucky - she's going to Europe for a month! She's doing a tour around a lot of places and I'm looking forward to seeing her pictures. I'm jealous. When she's traveling around Europe I'll be teaching. I guess the good thing is that by the end of her trip, Melissa will be here, then I'll only have just over a month left!

Alright, I'll go now. Hopefully the next time I write something here it will be a more light-hearted message about the good weekend I had!

Until then, have a good Friday everyone!


  1. Hey Ian, I was just a talking to Lindsay before she left for the bus stop, and she is so sad she is leaving, she is sad she is leaving behind good friends and a country that she loves so much. I am so glad she worked with such great people at Yes Youngdo, you guys are so far away and you all became family to each other. Enjoy your last 3 months there, you have done some amazing things, and are so fortunate you had the opportunity to do these things. I told Lindsay she is going to have an amazing time in Europe, I just hope she doesn't get lost somewhere haha. I am so I had the opportunity to visit and to see where you guys worked, and all the temples we went to the the Galbi was so yummy!!! Take care, and I know I will see you again when you get back to Canada! Your a great guy Ian, keep laughing and keep having fun!

  2. Hey Hey,
    oh Ian, we miss you very much too. When you first left, I was a basket case, but Jay just kept reminding me when you are back, it will feel like you never left. You are as good as home. m-e-l-i-s-s-a will be there in no time! when in doubt, just remember " 1x west side, respek, diggity diggity diggity no doubt, chek yoself b4 you wreck yoself" p.s Bruno is a waste of time. Cheer Up, hope to catch you on msn sometime soon.

  3. Ian: You've met new people, did new things, ate strange things! It's all been a learning experience that in years to come you will remember all the high lights of the things you did and the people you met. It has been a learning experience for your family too! We have learned from you and watched you grow. We are looking froward to having you back for Christmas and I hope we have a big enough plate for you to load up on. No poutine but you'll manage to get through it all.

  4. Ian, I have never met you before personally but have heard aaalllloooottttt about you from Janice. You seem like such a sweet guy and I can't wait to hopefully meet you when you come back to the big "C". Hang in there, you will experience much more amazing things and try to remember how much the others miss you too! Well, I guess this is all about growing up-I don't know if we now realize how much we value the people around us more or what....but keep making good friends and see you soon-Maria (AKA Janice's CAA buddy)
