Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I remember.

64 years ago the second world war ended. Today, millions of people world wide remember. Everyone remembers for different reasons. I think of my Grandfather and my country.

I'm always happy to see people at home recognizing the day and pausing to honour the heroes who fought for us. They fought when we didn't have high-tech missiles. We didn't have nukes or live T.V. They got their hands dirty and risked their lives. The result was 42,789 Canadian soldiers who lost their lives - just under 1/3 the population of Hamilton, Ontario at the time. An additional 97,988 soldiers were wounded.

Today I remember my Grandfather back at home (who is proudly carrying the Canadian flag this year at the ceremony), and I remember my country - both of which I'm so proud to say are part of my life.

Here's that famous poem - written by John McCrae after he witnessed the death of his friend:


  1. This is also a good day for the South Koreans to remember the Korean War from 1950-1953 where once again so many Canadians took part and many of them never came home...

    We visited the area where John McCrae wrote that poem and also see the bunkers where he treated the wounded and dying in Flanders in Belgium. It was quite an experience.

  2. I had long discussions with my classes today, even the little ones. We talked about war and sacrifice.

    One of the very littlest ones said, "Teacher... Canada is sad day today, but many place is happy. There is no more fight, because thank you Canada".

    It was adorable.

  3. The Service was very moving today. At the end was a 14 minute slide show with pictures and military info (name, birthdate, hometown, military unit and rank and date of death of all the Canadians that have died in Afghanistan. It was sad.
    2009 marks the 90th Anniversary of the end of the First World War, the 65th Anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy.
