Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Legal immigrant

Well, my trip to the immigration office went well yesterday. It seems as though I can remain a legal immigrant until I leave. My next big trip will be the one to the pension office which I'm looking forward to much more than yesterday's trip, because the pension office will write me a cheque! Wooh! There is pension taken from every pay cheque to be saved for retirement. Since I'm leaving the country and certainly don't plan on retiring here, I get all that money back! I'm not sure how much it will be, but I'm excited anyway!

Right, well we get paid in just under a week and that's excellent. This weekend I'm going to Jenny's home town and that should be nice as well. I will take many pictures.

Tomorrow will be my 3 weeks until I come home day. Really, I'm just looking forward to when I stop teaching so that's happening in less than 3 weeks now! I'm really excited to come home too. I hope I can fit everything into my 2 suitcases and a carry on though, I have tons of new things. I might have to mail a box home of some things. Hopefully not though, I'll see how well I can pack.

Alright, that's my update for the day (remember I'm trying to beat my record number of posts. I think it was December when I had the most). Bye for now!

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