Friday, March 27, 2009


Well, tomorrow all of us are going to Everland, which is like Canada's Wonderland for Korea. We are going just in time to see the Flower Carnival starting. I am excited. It has been a LONG week which we will all be happy to get away from.

It should be a good time, and as always, we will take many pictures. When I say we, I mean I will steal someone's camera and take pictures with it all day, because mine is broken.

Alright, we are just on our way out for dinner, and then it's an early morning tomorrow. Stay tuned for pictures!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Busy Saturday

Alright, today I had a great day! We went many places. We started at Deoksugung palace and watched the changing of the guard. It was really interesting. There was music, colourful clothes and lots of tourists! Speaking of tourists, we had the opportunity to try on traditional clothing and get some pictures!! The pictures are really funny!

After that we went to the Changdeokgung palace again, which we went to before. Oh, and the whole time we were doing this, it was 17 degrees outside! It was a beautiful day! Then we found a bowling alley which is a really rare sight in Korea. We played 2 games there.

After that we went to Insadong and looked around a bit. The flow of the day went pretty well, I think I am going to bring my parents on that route when they come in 24 days!

The pictures might be out of order, because I'm using Sarah's MAC which I don't know how to work! lol. Alright, buh bye! I hope you like me wearing a hanbok!

Look at the ball, there's a face!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Birthdays and wars.

Alright, my computer is STILL messed up. I got my hopes up for a bit there... anyway, long story short it's a piece of junk and I wish to throw it into a black hole. I was originally going to include pictures in this post, but it's not allowing me to do that. Once again... piece of junk.

In more exciting & cultural news, on the weekend I did many things. I went to a first birthday party for my supervisor's daughter. It was really fun. First birthdays are a HUGE thing over here. There was family, friends, and a LOT of food. They wore their traditional "hanboks" for the first part of it. It was really fun. Here's a video of everyone singing happy birthday to the birthday girl!

Today they calmly informed us that there would be an "army drill" at 2pm. As a result our students would be late. They are quite used to it here, but it was really surprising to my co-workers and me! After we asked a lot of questions, we figured out that this happens regularly, and that it is to practice what would happen in case of war. Scary! Apparently North Korea is planning to launch a satellite between April 4th and 6th, which could prompt a war. Also, South Korea has a huge amount of it's soldiers at the DMZ line, which is apparently also a "rehearsal" type thing, but they have the largest amount of soldiers there than ever before. It's all up in the air right now as to what is going to happen with that. I hope nothing bad happens, because I don't know where the Canadian embassy is, nor do I want to die.

Anyway, I took a video of a street outside my apartment / work are that is usually REALLY busy during the day. During this "war drill" no one is allowed to drive on the streets, because priority goes to tanks and police and what not. It was all very eerie. I'm not sure if I spelled eerie right. Here's the video.

That's all for now, because I'm tired and my computer keeps freezing. I have to get off of here before I through this garbage out the window.

Friday, March 13, 2009

More weird food.

Well, as the title of this post suggests, I have tried yet another odd food. It was last weekend, but I rather forgot to post it.

I have now experienced........


It was actually kind of good. It melts in your mouth.

Alright, I thought I would mention that here, just a) to inform everyone and let people know that I'm still trying new things and b) to totally freak some people out.

I will update soon...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My broken bubble has been partially mended

Ok, well work is still hectic, but my computer is fixed. Thank. You. Mark. I was starting to go crazy without it.

In other news, I am going to Japan. I have mentioned that before I think, but this is official. I was deciding between Japan and Mongolia for my May vacation, and Mongolia turned out to be VERY expensive. So, Japan it is. I am going with Keri (the same girl who's birthday it was a few weekends ago). I am really excited. We are going for 4 days, and 3 nights. We will be staying in Tokyo. I hear it's expensive there, but that's ok. It doesn't matter where you are, McDonalds is always cheap!

I just wondered - I wonder if I will ever find myself in these places again - wandering the streets of Seoul, walking along the Great Wall of China, or discovering what treasures Japan holds. Even though classes are extremely annoying at times, and students give me a headache almost every day, I guess it's worth it when I look out the window and see the sights I see.

Alright, that's enough deep thinking for now. I mentioned the students give me a head ache almost every day? Well, today is one of those days, so enough deep thinking for me. My head is pounding worse than ... well, I would usually think to put a clever analogy there, but not today. re: head ache.

OK. That's enough update for now, I hope everyone is alright! Ontario is now only 13 hours behind us thanks to day light savings! That's totally unrelated to this post, but I thought I should mention that Korea doesn't do daylight savings.

K bye.

Monday, March 9, 2009

New month

Hello all! Well, the first week of March has gone by, and it has been a hectic one. Like I mentioned earlier, it's like prepping for the first month of teaching again. It's pretty tiring. I usually wake up around 9, walk to my computer, prep until 12, go to school, come home from school 10 hours later, and prep until I sleep. It's not a very good time. lol.

Anyway, speaking of computers, MINE BROKE. On a Monday... Anyway, my co-worker is going to try to fix it. Hopefully he can do that, because I'm LOST without my computer. I need it for lesson planning! Today I wrote my lesson plans out by hand and I wanted to put myself in the dryer and hit spin cycle. It took way longer than it had to. Anyway...

In other news, my new classes are alright, I just have to get used to them. They are generally much louder... MUCH louder than my last classes. Oh well. I remember my loudest class last term ended up being the quietest, and my favourite so maybe that will happen again.

SARAH BOUGHT A DOG!! It's really really cute and his name is Gogi. (Rhymes with Yogi ... the bear). I'm dog sitting him right now, because I get off work early on Mon., Wed,. Fri. now. I usually stay until 10, but today I left early to come see him. She got him yesterday and he's just about 7 weeks old. I can hold him in one hand. Right now he's sleeping on my lap and I'm typing this. He's really quite cute.

What else...

This weekend is my one supervisor Kevin's daughter's first birthday. Apparently it's a pretty big deal here in Korea. It's a time to have the family get together, and shower the baby with gifts. It's a little much in my opinion, because I doubt that the girl will remember, but I suppose it's tradition.

Alright, well Sarah just got back so we're going to play with the dog!! haha, and maybe a game of cranium, although I feel guilty for not having prepped yet tonight. oh dear.

I hope everyone is well!

OOH! Good news! Since I installed that counter on my blog, I have had 1600 views! Wooh!

k bye.